4 Ways to Store Your Indian Spices

The Best Ways to Store Your Indian Spices Storing Indian Spices requires a specific formula. There are several unique flavors in the ultimate collection. If you store each Indian spice properly, the shelf life will last long. Here are great ways to preserve Indian Spices and make a suitable environment.  Place in a Dry, Cool Spot Your preference of location for keeping Indian Spices safe could include the fridge or kitchen cabinets. These cool areas…

Eat Drink Love and Chatty Monks, Bringing Indian Flair to Restaurants

Indian cuisine is often seen as a spicy and exotic dish that is unfamiliar to most people. However, Eat Drink Love, Sambar Kitchen, and Palace Foods are working together alongside the newly owned restaurant, Chatty Monks, to change the unjust perception of this delicate cuisine. They also hope to expand their company’s reach beyond just Indian food and create more fusion dishes. Indian food has long been misunderstood outside of its roots because it was…

How To Make Roti Pizza with Cilantro Chutney with Priya

You love pizza. But you also love Roti. So how do you combine the two together on a plate? Well, it’s called Roti Pizza! And not only is it fun to say-it tastes amazing too! In this blog post, we’ll show you how Priya makes her delicious roti pizza with cilantro chutney so that you can try it out for yourself at home. What Is Roti Pizza? Roti Pizza is a fusion dish that combines…

How Palace Foods Creates a Positive Workplace Culture

How Palace Foods Creates a Positive Workplace Culture

The holiday season is all about being with your family.  And though 2020 has been challenging in many ways, we hope that a constant in this craziness will be the bond of your family and friends, virtually or small gatherings.  Palace Foods is driven by a family focus; so much so that we extend our family to our employees to cultivate a positive workplace culture.  A time where that really shows is the holiday season, where…

Kula Village & Palace Foods Inc.

Kula Village & Palace Foods Inc.

Palace Foods Inc. is proud to announce our newest ecommerce marketplace offering– Kula Village. If you aren’t familiar with Kula already, our co-packing facility is excited to be the ones to introduce you!  A Vision of Community — Kula Kula Village is America’s pioneering online store that curates all-inclusive multicultural, ethnic and heritage products. They carry products across categories and partner with entrepreneurs who share their vision of creating a seamless, boundless community.  Kula, quite…

Outside the Co-Packing Facility: Where to Buy Palace Foods Inc. Products

Outside the Co-Packing Facility: Where to Buy Palace Foods Inc. Products

You don’t have to live near Pennsylvania to enjoy one of the many products offered by our Palace Foods team! Since the July launch of our e-commerce portal, we’ve had the privilege of reaching more customers and spreading our authentic, high-quality co-packaged foods around the nation.  Here’s a full list of where you can shop your favorite brands and products packaged by the Palace Foods Inc. Co-Packing Facility. Online Amazon: That’s right! You can find…

Announcing the Palace Foods Inc. Online Store!

Announcing the Palace Foods Inc. Online Store!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new e-commerce shop at Palace Foods, Inc.!  Now, you will be able to shop a selection of our co-packers brand’s products and recipes, like coriander chutney from Royal Cuisine, and various cooking sauces from our newest line, Chef Shaikh. We are excited to find that foods of different cultures are being enjoyed more often by Americans.  This has always been our vision; to bring our family’s…

Starting a Food Business with These Steps

Starting a Food Business with These Steps

Many consumers dream of having their family recipe on store shelves one day.  You might think this starts with running a family operation from the comfort of your kitchen. But working with a co-packing company can help start your food business quicker, as they can produce a larger volume.  Follow these steps, and this process will run as smoothly as possible.  Know Your Recipe Identify each ingredient with specific measurements to help your co-packer deliver…

A Co-Packing Company for the Community: Palace Foods Inc.

A Co-Packing Company for the Community: Palace Foods Inc.

At Palace Foods Inc., we aren’t like other co-packing companies. We provide our customers with exceptional options for hot fill and cold fill packaging, specialty food manufacturing, pasteurization and food packaging- all while doing good for our community. As we reminisce over Pre-COVID days, we want to share with you one of our favorite organizations in Reading, Pennsylvania. Our team continues efforts with our valued customer, Redner’s Warehouse Market, in support of the Olivet Boys…

Palace Foods Inc. Featured in Quartz

Palace Foods Inc. Featured in Quartz

Palace Foods Inc. is proud to announce our own, Devi Jagadesan, as a feature field expert in the article, “Why Americans call foreign foods by the wrong names”, published in the Quartz Digital Journal. The article, released on January 22, speaks to the common misguidance associated with cultural cuisine in American culture. Devi shared her perspective with author, Brianna Holt, regarding the differences between North and South Indian Cuisine, as well as the ways their…