5 Things Any Food Packaging Label Must Include

Food packaging labels are an important aspect of food marketing.

It is the first thing that potential customers see, and it can make or break a sale. That’s why ensuring that your food packaging is up to par is essential. Here are five things that should be on food packaging labels:

The Product Name

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many products don’t have their names on the packaging. The product name should be big, bold, and easy to read. Also, it should be placed prominently on the front of the packaging.

The Ingredients

Customers have a right to know what’s in their food, so the ingredients should be listed on the food packaging labels. List them in order of quantity, from most to least. Furthermore, allergens in the product should also be listed so that customers can make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase the product.

The Nutrition Facts

Nutrition facts are required on all food packaging by law. They should be easy to find and understand. The label should list the serving size, the number of calories, and the amount of fat, sodium, carbohydrates, and protein in each serving.

The Best By Date

All food products have a best by date, which indicates when the product is no longer at its peak quality. This date is displayed on the packaging so customers know when to consume the product.

The Contact Information

If there are any questions or concerns about the product, the company’s contact information should be listed on the packaging. This includes the phone number, email address, and website.

Start Your Production Plan Today!

These are the five things that should be on a food packaging label. If your product’s packaging dont have these items, it’s time to make changes. Palace Foods Inc. is a food packaging company that can help you create custom food packaging that meets all requirements. We specialize in custom-printed food labels so your product stands out on the shelf. Contact us today to learn more about our services.