What’s the Right Packaging Solution for Me?
After spending countless hours crafting and product-testing your recipe, it’s now time to package your food for mass production. The problem is, despite the research hours spent creating your food, it’s hard to picture exactly how to package it. The food packaging options on the market are vast, and each of them has their pros and cons. In this guide, we’ll help you understand your options for packaging foods, sauces, and spices.
Understanding Your Options
There are a variety of factors to consider when choosing a packaging solution. Here are some of the most important factors we recommend looking into:
- Affordability: Affordable packaging materials increase your per product profits.
- Environmentalism: Certain packaging materials, such as glass, can be easily recycled and are environmentally friendly. On the other hand, materials like Styrofoam are hard to break down. In today’s environmentally-conscious world, this is an important consideration.
- Flavor Preservation: Certain packing materials, like aluminum, have a taste associated with them. Over time, this taste can seep into your food and change your intended flavor.
- Shelf-Life: A well-sealed material like a heat-sealed jar will preserve your foods longer than a porous material like paper. This ultimately increases your food’s shelf-life.
Benefits of Using a Co-Packing Facility
Even when you understand your packaging options, the physical act of packaging your food takes time, effort, and money. Using a co-packing facility that specializes in food packaging takes a lot of the guesswork out of this process.
Co-packing facilities already have the equipment necessary to properly seal and package your foods. Often, they have deals with suppliers and can get materials cheaper than you’d be able to on your own. They may offer professional printing for your labels and even ingredients you struggle to get your hands on otherwise. Ultimately, co-packing facilities save you time and money while producing the most professional-looking product.
At Palace Foods, we specialize in helping clients like you achieve quality, professional-looking packaging for their food. We understand that every business is unique, and in-home factories are not the best choice for everyone. We meet with business owners individually to determine the right packaging for your food. To get started co-packing with Palace Foods, contact us here today.